This is the ultimate power.
The power over your own mind, the ability to think for yourself and the ability to make a stand for your beliefs. This is mental fortitude and moral courage. This is power.
In this video Make a Stand I talk about the decision I made to be public for my beliefs. I’m a Therapist in the US, and I launched my Life Coach and Stories podcast in 2020 at the start of the Lockdowns. Illinois was one of the first states to “shelter in place” aka shut everything down in March 2020. I launched my business in April and podcast in May 2020. As a baby entrepreneur for my Life Coach and an employee at a private practice as a Therapist, I had a decision to make. Do I say something or do I say nothing. That was the choice.
I made my decision. Very early, I decided to go public in 2020. I chose to say something vs nothing. I’ve been public against grooming, pedophilia, masks, lockdowns, the covid vaccine. I’ve advocated for Constitutional rights of free speech 1A and right to defend 2A. I want to do my part to change the degenerative narrative, to encourage respect for both men and women. I launched my Masculinity Crisis video series in 2023.
An early inspiration was Jordan Peterson. I saw that he was a man advocating for responsibility and morality within masculinity. Only a man can show other men how to be masculine, but men are influenced by women. Jordan is a man, he’s saying something. I knew that as a woman that I had to say something too. We’re both Therapists, Jordan in Canada and I’m in the US. We have made our stand.
I’ve been following the censorship, and I watched this video Jordan Peterson reacts to Court Decision Canada’s College of Psychologists of Ontario is pushing for censorship of Jordan Peterson, the ultimate punishment would be the removal of his clinical license to practice therapy in that Canadian province.
I watched a prior video where Jordan Peterson talked about the censorship battle he’s in, he said that he’d approached a well-known and wealthy physician. He suggested that they both sign a letter and make it public. This doctor would not go public. And I knew in that moment, I would have signed the letter.
I know this for two reasons.
I made the decision to go public with my beliefs early in 2020. I’ve already been public for the last 3 years. I have made a stand.
I’ve already signed my name to 4 letters of support. I’ve chosen to make a stand with top physicians and scientists, who also signed that same letter of support. I’ve already done it, signed my name in support of those who are fighting for freedom. I would absolutely sign my name to a letter in support of Jordan Peterson. I’ve done it before, below are individuals for whom I’ve signed onto the letter of support. Medical doctors Bernstein, Stone, Chetty were punished for treating patients for covid and saving lives. Professor Kiser was punished for resisting tyranny, she would not take the covid vaccine.
Ira Bernstein, MD – under investigation by the province’s medical regulator, Toronto, Canada 2022
Jackie Stone, MD – faced court trial with criminal charges, Zimbabwe 2022
Tracey Kiser, Ed.D – denied religious exemption as a professor at San Diego City College, California 2023
Shankara Chetty, MD – charged with unprofessional conduct by the Health Professional Council, South Africa 2023
For every individual who’s made the choice to be public for their beliefs, I salute you. This is not easy to do.
It’s not hyperbole to say I lost most of my friends when I put Dr. Peter McCullough on my Stories podcast. There’re risks that you take when you make a stand and associate with others who make a stand too. I routinely have those who’ll not be associated with me on social media because I’m bad for their business or brand. I risk the same as you, and anyone who makes a stand for freedom. It’s not easy to do.
It was my choice to make a public stand for my beliefs in 2020 when I launched my Life Coach and my Stories podcast. I regret nothing.
Now is the time to get off the sidelines. If you do not join the fight, you won’t have your status, company or money. That’s not how communism works, they take everything from you. Now is the time to make a stand, start with baby steps. But you must get in this fight for freedom too.
I’ve been monitoring the censorship of Jordan Peterson, I want this brave man to know that I support him. That I want to talk to him. He’s a Therapist in Canada, and I’m a Therapist in the US. We have both made our stand. Perhaps there are other Patriot Therapists, but they will not go public. Jordan Peterson and I are both public. Not easy to do. I salute you.
Jordan Peterson and I have mutual friends. The photo below is his interview with Michael Yon. I’ve collaborated with Michael Yon two times, click on the below links.
Masculinity Crisis with Michael Yon
Michael Yon's stories as the top war correspondent in the world
It’s an honor to be in this fight for freedom with you.
I regret nothing.
Aim for control over your own mind, always think for yourself, make a stand for your beliefs. Jordan Peterson has mental fortitude and moral courage. All my respect. I salute you.
This is power, to make a stand for your beliefs.
Jordan, I hope we talk soon. I want you to be on my Masculinity Crisis series. Men can only be taught how to be a man from other men, but men are motivated by women. I will do my part to change the degenerative cultural narrative, an initial inspiration was your public stand, Jordan Peterson. Thank you, God bless you. #StayInThisFight
Bravo Rachel!
One door closes. Another opens.
Good vs Evil
Hell vs Heaven
When you make a stand you will drive some away and you will bring others in close. The arithmetic of gain-loss are beyond us so just do what’s right.