On August 18, 2023, I wrote a Substack on Andrew Tate. Click on the link to view that article: Jordan Peterson on Andrew Tate I put it behind a paywall, didn’t want to deal with the Taters who’re as rabid as Swifties (Taylor Swift fans).
Only twice, out of 693 Substack articles to date, have I shown my articles to another person before publishing. The 1st time, was for the Covid Substack, that article remains my highest viewed to date, I showed it to Dr. Paul Alexander as he asked me to write about my experiences during the Lockdowns. The 2nd time, was that Substack on Tate, I told my mentor John Paul Rice that I’d written it, was sitting on it, before I released it. Twice, that’s it. Those are the only two times I’ve shown my writing prior to publishing as I generally neither ask for permission nor do I need feedback for what I write, I think for myself.
After I published the Substack on Tate in 2023, I analyzed why I was so angry over Tate’s misogyny. I realized that I hated the cold dismissiveness of women that Tate displayed. I remember being coldly dismissed by my dad, he told me that I wasn’t smart enough to go to college when I was only 12 years old. I currently hold a Masters degree, that level of education, is needed to be a Therapist licensed for clinical work. I had to dig deep, to realize that I was offended by Tate’s misogyny because it felt personal to me. Never again, did I want to experience that dismissive coldness from a male, being told that I couldn’t achieve on my own.
For close to a year, I kept that Substack on Tate behind a paywall, but I’ve released it for free today. I’m also re-publishing it now, with revisions for relevancy in 2024. I can’t live in fear, not of the Tater fans who’re rabid in the way they bend the knee to that beta male, who’s gotten the microphone for all the wrong reasons.
Jordan Peterson is a Therapist in Canada.
I’m a Therapist in the US. I also own my Life Coach.
Watch this video: Jordan Peterson's thoughts on Andrew Tate
Jordan Peterson’s quote in reference to Andrew Tate: “Not particularly impressed . . . pimpy side . . . not a great admirer of pimps.”
I’m interested in Jordan Peterson’s take, he’s an experienced Clinician.
This is my take as a Clinician.
There’s no masculinity without morality.
At the core of masculinity is that you protect women and children. You cannot be a masculine man without also having a moral character, you need this to fight for your family, to put everything on the line for those you love.
You must respect women in order to love women. If you don’t respect women, you will use them. If you use women, you risk crossing the line to abusing them.
The degenerate world says you will get crumbs, you deserve more. The superficiality of selfish sex, will not make you happy.
Morality within masculinity, respect for women, and genuine love combined with sex are the three areas in which Tate appears to be sorely lacking.
Tate is not a masculine man. He’s a beta male. Selfish, user and degenerate. That’s me holding back in the descriptives, I despise misogyny.
In full disclosure, I’ve watched very few clips of Tate. One video disgusted me, Tate was a petulant beta male, pretending to be the big man on campus aka “pimpy” the descriptive Jordan Peterson gave him. Misogyny is disgusting.
I give credit where credit is due. In one clip I’ve seen, Tate pushed back against the covid lockdowns. It’s a good thing, that he pushed back against medical tyranny.
Very rarely, are individuals fully good or fully bad. It’s possible that Tate’s opposition to medical tyranny is his positive whereas his misogyny is his negative.
His weakness is his lack of morality, disrespect of women and selfishness in sex. Those things will bring a man to his knees, there’s no masculinity without morality.
I know very little about Tate, but these are my questions. Does he have a family? Does he have a daughter? Does he know what it’s like to be a father who would do anything for his child? Does he have a wife, did he get married, did he commit himself to a woman that he loves very much? If this fellow doesn’t have a family, he’s spouting off about women, when he has a complete lack of understanding of the family. If he doesn’t have a wife and children, how can he talk about relationships, with any real depth. If he doesn’t have a daughter and if he doesn’t have a wife, both of whom he loves and respects, how can he talk about relationships with any level of substance. I don’t know if he has a family. I’ve seen a couple of Tate clips that disgust because denigration of women is repulsive.
If Tate pushes the denigration of women, then he’s a man-child, limited to boasting about getting laid and his sexual conquests. If he doesn’t have a family and if he doesn’t love his family, then he has no clue about the grown-up part of life, the sacrifice, loyalty and love that an Alpha man has for his family. At the core of masculinity, is that you protect women and children.
Tate appears to push terminology that promotes using women. If you use women, you run the risk, that you will also abuse women. As Clinicians, Jordan Peterson and I, are both aware of the cycle of abuse. Disrespect of women is preceded by disregard of women, that’s the progression of abuse. If females are objects, it’s easier to dispense with them, the lack of care is not there.
How can any Alpha man, take this beta male seriously. Tate’s misogyny is inexcusable. There’s no masculinity without morality. At the core of masculinity, is that you protect women and children.
If you’re a surgeon, are you really going to listen to the waiter tell you about scalpels? If you’re a mechanic, are you really going to listen to a chef tell you how to fix your engine?
If you’re an Alpha man, how can you listen to the fellow who’s single, who’s never been married, who isn’t a family man. The degenerate playboy is going to tell you how to raise your children and love your wife. Give me a break. That fellow is missing half the relational experiences in life, he doesn’t understand the component of family. Tate’s a beta male who denigrates women, views females as objects to be used for male sexual gratification. Misogynistic, also disgusting.
Jordan Peterson talks about how the most desirable men on Tinder, can easily develop psychopathy. You have to divorce from emotion and even your humanity, to view women as objects, treat them solely as a means of sexual gratification. That attitude is dangerous to the soul and also demeaning to women. That’s what Tate appears to be bragging about, that he uses women. Using women comes before abusing women, never forget that. Misogyny at its worst.
If you’re a woman who’s posting on social media about being empowered in the workplace, how can you not condemn misogynist statements Tate has made about women. He uses women for sex, teaches other men to do the same. Disgusting and degenerate, straight misogyny.
I watched a clip of Tate saying that men can have sex with many women, but if a woman even looks at a man, that’s cheating. Men are given carte blanche whereas women are to be controlled, per Tate propaganda.
For the women who want power in the boardroom, are you going to put up with being put down in the bedroom. Women work hard, they want respect both professionally and personally. Tate’s modus operandi pushes men to use women, promotes female subservience to males for sexual gratification. That’s disgusting and degenerate, misogyny on full display.
What if the reverse was in play. Women could have sex with impunity, but if men even look at other women, those males are lambasted as cheating. Is that fair? If any woman tried to reverse Tate’s logic, she’d be laughed out of town. Tate says men can cheat but women must be controlled, that’s not equality, now is it. His Tater groupies cheer like the happiest seals at the zoo, at misogyny.
My theory as to why Tate fans are as rabid as Swifties (Taylor Swift fans) is that he blatantly encourages men to go after their most carnal desires, says that there will be no consequences.
Degeneracy is actually to your detriment.
Doing the right thing is not easy. Doing the hard thing requires discipline. Tate is telling men to not only live in the fast lane, but also dangles the carrot that you will get attention and sex if you do. That’s a powerful combo, live selfishly with lack of consequences. No wonder the males gobble it up like they’re in sweatpants for Thanksgiving food.
Being sexually faithful to one woman is damn hard. Raising children the right way is damn hard. Living life with a moral compass is damn hard. Yet those are the things that will add meaning to your life, will actually make you happy.
Tate groupies want to take a short cut, they neither want to grow up nor do they want to take responsibility for family. Being a selfish man-child is the path to easy town, but it will not actually make you happy.
Tate does not like women. He uses women. Know the difference.
Disrespect and disregard for women, will lead you to misogyny.
If you like and respect women, you don’t use or abuse women. You know this.
In order to genuinely like women, you also have to respect women. To fall in love with a woman, you have to hold her in high regard. Respect and love go together, you can’t have one, without the other. If you view women as objects for sexual gratification, you will never truly respect women. If you don’t respect a woman, you won’t be able to genuinely like her or ever truly love her.
Tate’s a beta male, there’s no masculinity without morality. At the core of masculinity is that you protect women and children. Tate uses women, that’s the road to abusing women, if you’re not careful.
Would Tate make derogative sexual statements about men? Would he tell a man he’s cheating if he even looks at a woman? This fellow doesn’t treat women with respect, he doesn’t view women as equal to men. That’s blatant disrespect, it’s in your face, disgusting and degenerate. Misogyny at its lowest.
Individuals are rarely all good or all bad. Credit where credit is due, it’s good that Tate pushed back against medical tyranny during the lockdowns. But it’s inexcusable that he not only disrespects women himself, but he teaches other men to do the same. If you’re an Alpha man, as a father, would you want a male like Tate to have sex with your daughter. Tate would disrespect your daughter, he wouldn’t be faithful to her, he’d denigrate and despise her too. Tate would view your daughter as an object for sexual gratification. If that’s not good enough for your daughter, how is that good enough for anyone’s daughter. No father would want crumbs for his daughter, if he truly loves her.
Tate is de facto mocking women, saying females can’t look at another man as that’s cheating whereas men can sleep with many women with impunity. That’s mocking women, putting them in a place that’s subservient to men. Disrespect, degenerate, disgusting. Misogyny blatantly in your face.
Jordan Peterson says he’s not an admirer of pimps, implies that Tate is in that category.
I will be direct. I’m not fan of beta males, any man who disrespects a woman, is not an Alpha man. At the core of masculinity, is that you protect women and children. Morality and masculinity go together. The family is the motivation for a man to strive to be better, to do better and to live better. You take that away, you strip a man of his morality and masculinity, that’s not a man.
Admire Alpha men who have faith in God, love of country and believe in family over everything. Masculinity on display is the promotion of family and taking pride in the woman in your life that you truly love.
Jordan Peterson is a brilliant Therapist in Canada, he’s a man. I’m a Therapist in the US, I’m a woman. You heard Jordan’s take that Tate is akin to a pimp, you’ve read this Substack for my take as well. We’re both Clinicians, the cycle of abuse, is that using someone comes before abusing them. Very dangerous.
Real men love women. Respect is key. You can’t fall in love with someone for whom you also don’t respect. You must have both, love and respect.
Photo: Jordan Peterson (Top) is a Therapist from Canada, although he no longer has a client caseload, he’s an experienced Clinician. Andrew Tate (bottom) is a beta male at minimum and pimp at maximum.
excellent stack Rachel, I like it and will promote it