You got all these self-proclaimed body language experts, running their mouth about which D list celebrity looks confident or sexy on the red carpet. How smart are those “experts” really, they didn’t do their research or watch the “Sound of Freedom” movie to realize that a lot of the Hollywood losers are pedophiles. Who cares if you swagger in public in front of the cameras, if in private you have no moral compass.
I am not a body language expert.
I will notice your body of work, what you do for your actions. How you LOOK will always be trumped by what you DO.
Trump and I aren’t exactly palling around, I’m in LockDown Illinois and he’s in Mar a Lago Florida. I do not have insider knowledge on 45, although his public actions have indicated that he’s a Patriot who loves his country.
I will speak to my friend Dr. Paul Alexander. We’ve collaborated 3 times, the following videos.
Dr. Paul Alexander's story, making a stand for freedom
Connection with Dr. Paul Alexander
Masculinity Crisis with Dr. Paul Alexander
This is a man who spoke at the “Defeat the Mandates” rally in Washington DC. He was with the Canadian Trucker Convoy when they protested against medical tyranny in Ottawa. He’s on fire with his substack: Alexander COVID News
For me personally, he’s the reason that I have my substack. He told me about it, encouraged me to start my own. He teaches me street smarts, inspires me to be baby brave, and leads by his example.
I’m no body language expert, but my read on the photo below, is based on my experiences with this very good man. Dr. Paul Alexander’s body of work speaks for itself, this man is a Patriot who loves God and country.
Direct eye contact, standing straight, no hesitation in this handshake.
That’s how it’s done.
When you are fearless, when you fight, when you focus on what matters in this life, you can be confident. What you say is matched by your actions. How you LOOK will never trump what you DO, it’s the latter that matters more.
All my respect to every Patriot who is still in this fight, for God and country.
Keep going!
Keep fighting!
Keep dreaming!
And don’t forget to develop your own signature handshake. Men in Jackets is a nice touch too. When you look good to the body language experts, but also DO good in the real world, you are off to the races. Stay in this fight. #AllMyRespect
Yes strong handshake and look in the eye. No dead fishes!
I am here because of Dr. Paul Alexander's recommendation and I absolutely love Dr. Paul's direct approach, which makes me laugh sometimes because it is so blunt. Anyway, I do think body language is part of our protective instinct, as even animals read us by the vibes we give off. There are so many ways to read people and it's subtle so difficult to pin down, and sometimes we misinterpret. When I first saw this photo., I saw hesitancy in Trump's face as if he wasn't sure how to respond. The handshake and the facial expression were giving conflicting information. I know it is just an instant glimpse but I saw Trump as a bit hesitant of joining with Dr. Paul. It was the facial expression that I read and I don't claim to be any expert but I just like coming to my own conclusions and hearing other people's viewpoint.