Women always want to know what a man does.
It’s tantamount to what makes him sexy to a woman.
“I like broke men” and “Having no money is OK” #SaidNoWomanEver
Look, the truth is that from 2020 to present, the PlanDemic screwed everyone the world over. LockDown Illinois was one of the first states to “shelter in place” with illegal mandates to shut down businesses. Restaurants and churches were verboten, but in certain states the Strip Clubs were deemed essential. You really think men were thinking about safety with the stripper in a G-string but a mask on her face? Oh right, strippers were probably exempt from silly things like masks, that the rest of us were illegally mandated to wear. There were 2 illegal mask mandates in LockDown Illinois.
Look, the truth is that I launched my Life Coach and my Stories podcast at the start of the LockDowns. It’s not been easy being a baby entrepreneur. When I chose to advocate against tyranny, I lost business. There’re those who will not associate with me, they say I’m bad for their brand or their business.
Look, the truth is that many of my friends businesses tanked in Illinois. First, we had the Antifa/BLM riots in Chicago and second, the illegal lockdowns. Many business owners could not recover from that double whammy, livelihoods were destroyed.
If you’re a woman, your natural inclination, is to want to know if that man is competent. Factors that hint at that, are if that man has a good job. Women turn up their nose at broke men and lazy men, it’s simply not a turn on to women.
But in unprecedented times, the PlanDemic and subsequent LockDowns qualify, it’s more important that women look at a man’s values. If that man refused to comply and lost his job because he didn’t get the covid vaccine, give that man the RESPECT he deserves. If that man stood up against tyranny and refused to enforce illegal mandates for either masking or the covid vaccine in his business, and was subsequently punished via government fines, give that man the RESPECT he deserves. If that man had a hard time with his business because of the Lockdowns, give that man the RESPECT he deserves. These things were not his fault.
It’s more important that you look at a man’s values vs his pocketbook.
Yes, status and money, matter to women. But I’m telling women that even more important, is if that man resisted tyranny, that’s Alpha #MasculinityOnDisplay
Certain job titles have status, they turn a woman’s head. The one job that should be at the bottom of any woman’s list, is that of “Fact Checker.” If I ever meet a man whose job is “Fact Checker” it will be really hard for me not to scowl at him. If you meet a man with “Fact Checker” as his job title, you should run, not walk away.
The “Fact Checkers” censored my social media posts, like the one in the photo below. Thanks to the “Fact Checkers” who spewed their lies, I have friends and family, with health issues because they took the covid vaccine. I don’t care how much money fake news paid the “Fact Checkers” in my mind, this is bottom barrel. There’s no honor in being a “Fact Checker” it’s degenerate and despicable work. You’re paid for your lies.
Women, it matters what that man does for work. Make sure you vet for values not just dollar signs. No job is worth your life. No money is worth your integrity. No status is worth being a #covidiot
I know certain job titles are sexy to women.
“Fact Checker” is not one of them. If that’s your job, update your resume STAT unless you plan to remain celibate. Because once women find out about the 1291 covid vaccine side effects listed on Pfizer documents, they will despise the “Fact Checkers” who kept the articles from them, that would have saved their health and possibly their life. You think that a woman wants to sleep with let alone be associated with a “Fact Checker” or tell her girlfriends her new Boo has a bogus job? Thought not.
Is your job sexy?
Photo: My post that was “Fact Checked” on fakebook
Nailed it! Great article!