
Salute to Marco Rubio, doing an incredible job as the new US Secretary of State. In this clip, he’s talking about the importance of communication between the United States and Russia, two important world superpowers. He’s right.

Communication is the name of the game.

If you plan to succeed in life, you must know how to talk to others.

  • Macro level, that’s countries communicating.

  • Micro level, that’s you communicating with your romantic love interest or real life partner.

My niche is couples counseling, that’s the preferred genre for my work. I do see families and individuals, but I like couples the best.

I will share what I was taught for psychotherapy, I’m no different with my therapy vs Life Coach clients, I operate the same with both.

The two things always in play for couples counseling.

  1. How to fight

  2. How to communicate

If you can figure out how to do both fairly, you’ve got a shot at making your relationship work in the real world. Learn how to fight fair and learn how to communicate with each other. That’s romance.

That Marco Rubio is highlighting communication at the macro level, is a good thing.

I highlight communication too, at the micro level for couples counseling.

Salute to Marco Rubio, communication is the name of the game at the macro level.

Up your game in romance too, talk + fight, keep it fair but get it done, if you want a shot at love on the micro level.



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