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Franchise + Business Consulting


This is emotional for me, that I will not forget those who gave me a chance when no one knew my name.

I launched my Life Coach in April and my Stories podcast in May, both in 2020. I launched my Masculinity Crisis series in 2023, and my newest creative project the Men’s Roundtable in 2024.

I will not forget, those who took a risk on me, when I first started as a baby entrepreneur.

I do not forget.

I will pay it forward.

This is very emotional for me, that it’s my honor to recommend a fellow Patriot owner, Jaime Rodriguez. I have put this man on my Stories podcast, Masculinity Crisis series and Men’s Roundtable. Click on the below links to watch those videos.

Jaime Rodriguez, his business success story after escaping communist Nicaragua

Confidence with Jaime Rodriguez

Masculinity Crisis with Jaime Rodriguez

Men's Roundtable: Casual Sex with Alex Krainer + Jaime Rodriguez

I advocate giving business to Patriots who have moral fortitude and character. If you want to Franchise and for Business Consulting, only work with the best. I currently do contract work via my Life Coach business with Jaime Rodriguez for his businesses, listed below.

Fearless Survivalist

Global Franchise Consultants

In this world, you get a choice, you decide who to surround yourself with and who gets your business. Give your business to Patriots. If you want to work with the best, work with Jaime Rodriguez of GFC.

I do not forget.

I will pay it forward.

I currently work with Jaime Rodriguez in business, I’ve collaborated with him on camera multiple times. I will do business with him any day of the week, encourage others to do the same.

It’s an honor to be in this fight for Freedom with you.


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